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Maharashtra Government takes steps to curb crime by juveniles

-The Indian Express While stating that percentage of juvenile crime was much less compared to other crimes, the Chief Minister said, “Even a marginal increase is a cause of serious concern. And it is our government’s endeavour to make it negligible.” Mumbai: The state government has initiated steps to curb crimes across Maharashtra committed by juveniles. The government is taking even a marginal increase in juvenile crime as a cause for...

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The ecologically subsidised city: on Kolkata's wetland communities -Aseem Shrivastava

-The Hindu What Dhrubajyoti Ghosh closely observed and learnt from Kolkata’s wetland communities If ever there was someone who lived true to his name, it was Dhrubajyoti Ghosh. In Sanskrit, “Dhrubajyoti” refers to the light (jyoti) emitted by the pole star (dhruva tara). The ecologist, who passed away in February, was unwavering in his commitment to the cause he lived for and fearlessly defended: saving the ecologically critical East Kolkata Wetlands from...

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The tightrope walk of India's drug-price regulator -Anuj Gupta

-The Economic Times The genesis: The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) was set up to implement the 1995 Drug Price Control Order (DPCO) and monitor overcharging of drugs and medical devices When: August 29, 1997 Total number of chairmen: 11 What the chairman has to deliver: * Implement and enforce the provisions of the DPCO * Render advice to the central government on drug pricing Highlights of the chairmen's tenures * Between 2001 and 2004, five chairmen were...

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What India Really Eats -Balmurli Natrajan and Suraj Jacob At a time when food has provided so much grist for the identitarian and nativist mill, it is important to infuse into public discourse a modicum of reason through facts. For long, India has been mythologised as a vegetarian, and particularly beef-eschewing, society. Such a representation has further been ideologically explained (and justified) by a wide range of scholars, politicians and popular discourse by constructing India as a society primarily shaped...

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How Mallya & Modi could teach debt-ridden Vidarbha farmers to stay cool -Jaideep Hardikar

-The Indian Express Two loan defaults lead to two different outcomes, year upon year, a nightmare version of déjà vu. The former exits the country; the latter exits the mortal world. Liquor baron Vijay Mallya and diamond jeweler Nirav Modi could jointly run a crash course for the debt-ridden and beleaguered farmers of Vidarbha, nay the entire country: How to stay cool with unpaid debts. Mallya could tell the peasantry, for instance, how...

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