The central government said on Friday it expects this year’s wheat output to total a record 82 million tonnes as the country grapples with a grain storage problem. India produced a record 80.71 million tonnes of wheat in the 2009-10 crop year, which runs from July to June, despite the worst drought in nearly four decades. “If there is no terminal heat this year, output is expected to be 82 million tonnes,”...
Vegetable prices shoot up in northern India
Owing to floods and incessant rains in northern India's Haryana, crops have been badly affected due to which the prices of the vegetables have gone up. Though the floods have receded in some parts of the area but large swathes of crops have been washed away. The wholesale rate for tomato has gone as high as Rs 40/kg, while the retail rate in some markets has reached Rs 60/kg. "Due to incessant rain...
More »Read the signals
Unfortunate though it may seem, many Indians only identify with Ladakh because of the popularity of Three Idiots and the progressive school there which Aamir Khan has now gone to assist. We tend to forget that it is part of Jammu and Kashmir because the unrest in the valley obscures everything else. Ladakh is often described as a cold desert, with scanty rainfall, which is why Leh and its environs were...
More »Dark clouds over cotton scheme by Rakhi Jagga
When it was launched by the Centre 10 years ago, the Intensive Cotton Development Programme came as a ray of hope for cotton farmers in Punjab. The scheme was meant to enhance production through technology transfer, supply of quality seeds and educating and training the farmers — promising them a beautiful tomorrow. But 10 years down the line, the scheme has remained where it was for the cotton farmers, caught in...
More »NSC distributes seeds in drought-hit east India
To help farmers in eastern India tide over the drought, the National Seed Corporation (NSC) has distributed tonnes of short-duration crop seeds to state government of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa. “We are have distributed 11,000 quintal of short-duration crop seeds to Bihar and Jharkhand and 1,000 quintal to West Bengal,” NSC chairman and managing director SK Roongta told reporters on the sidelines of the 47th annual general meeting of...
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