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Forest Rights Act: Land Distribution and Livelihoods of Forest Dependent People -Madhusudan Bandi

-Economic and Political Weekly This paper, based on an empirical study in Chhattisgarh and Gujarat, attempts to examine the land and livelihood facets of forest dependent people following the claims made by them under the Forest Rights Act. It also touches upon factors influencing livelihoods such as source of irrigation, crop yield, forest produce collection, and livestock holdings to examine the respondents' socio-economic conditions. The findings revealed that the land received...

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Tribal mothers look forward to rich nutritious MEAls -Dilnaz Boga Poya Devi, 22, is happy that the weight of her child has been steadily increasing. Her infant has received immunisation and, since last June, Poya has been availing services of the Indiramma Amurutha Hastham (IAH) scheme in her village of Urumulu, which lies 30 kilometres away from Araku. Poya was registered at the village's anganwadi as soon as she got pregnant and was later sent to a hospital for institutional delivery...

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Target NGOs: Why Greenpeace got the rough treatment -KumKum Dasgupta

-The Hindustan Times In a significant order on Tuesday, the Delhi High Court unblocked Rs 1.87 crore received by NGO Greenpeace from its Amsterdam headquarters. The NGO had filed a case after the ministry of home affairs in June last year directed the Reserve Bank of India to take prior permission of the ministry before clearing any foreign aid to the NGO from Greenpeace International and Climate Works. Saying that there is...

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UPA’s food Act was more about ‘vote security’: FCI revamp panel chief -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express The National Food Security Act (NFSA) passed during the previous UPA regime's tenure was more about "vote security" than "food security", according to Shanta Kumar, BJP MP and chairman of the high level committee on Restructuring the Food Corporation of India (FCI). Defending his committee's recommendation to bring down the coverage of the NFSA from 67 per cent to around 40 per cent of the country's population, Kumar claimed...

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Reduce food security benefits from 67% to 40% population, says panel on restructuring FCI -Jitendra

-Down to Earth Shanta Kumar committee report recommends privatisation, outsourcing and cash benefit transfer to cut food procurement and distribution costs The high level committee set up to look into the restructuring of Food Corporation of India has recommended reducing the number of beneficiaries under the Food Security Act-from the current 67 per cent to 40 per cent. It has also recommended allowing private players to procure and store food grains, stopping...

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