Total Matching Records found : 21819

Hundred more flood forecasting stations to be set up

-IANS Tamil Nadu to get 14 stations; stations to be set up during current five-year PLAn. The central government on Wednesday said it will set up 100 more flood forecasting stations across the country. “The Central Water Commission (CWC) under the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation will set up 40 flood forecasting stations,” the ministry said in a statement. While Tamil Nadu will get 14 stations, three stations will be...

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A wrong call that sank Chennai -Srinivasan Ramani & Vasanth Srinivasan

-The Hindu Chennai: Official data from the Metro Water for the last 20 days suggest that the high precipitation and reservoir outflows on November 16 and December 1 respectively were primarily responsible for swelling the rivers. As the flood water recedes in Chennai, serious questions are being raised about reservoir management in the city. Much of the flooding and subsequent waterlogging was a consequence of the outflows from major reservoirs into swollen...

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UP shows way in direct subsidy payment to farmers -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express Uttar Pradesh farmers have taken well to direct benefit transfers, though there are doubts if it can be extended to fertilisers. Akhilesh Yadav’s government in Uttar Pradesh is turning out to be a pacesetter in implementation of direct benefit transfers (DBT) to farmers. Farmers in UP got Rs 28.60 per quintal from the state government for the sugarcane they supplied to mills during the 2014-15 crushing season. The payments, totalling...

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‘Green energy targets remain a mirage’

-The Hindu New Delhi: Even as countries negotiate to arrive at a new global accord to counter the climate change crisis in Paris, an audit report tabled in Parliament on Tuesday showed that the government had failed to meet its targets for scaling up the use of renewable energy sources under the National Action PLAn on Climate Change (NAPCC). The NAPCC had envisaged raising renewable energy sources to 8 per cent...

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Wayanad farmers get rights for 10 traditional rice varieties -KR Rajeev

-The Times of India Kozhikode: Despite a looming agrarian crisis, farmers in Wayanad have become the guardians of critical agro-biodiversity by nurturing traditional rice varieties which are fast becoming extinct. They have won exclusive farmers' rights for 10 more traditional rice varieties under the Protection of PLAnt Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act (PPV&FR), 2001. With this, the number of rice varieties registered as 'Farmers' varieties of Wayanad' has become 16. Seedcare, an association...

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