-GovernanceNow.com Jairam Ramesh questions Aadhaar’s role in plugging subsidy leakages After snubbing the finance minister in Rajya Sabha, Jairam Ramesh of Congress questioned the government’s claim of saving Rs 14,000 crore by integrating Aadhaar for the LPG subsidy. Citing a report by International Institute of Sustainable Development, a London-based think tank, which seriously doubts the claim of savings accrued by DBT-LPG, Ramesh asked about the study on the basis of which...
Aadhaar bill: With no respect for the law -Usha Ramanathan
-The Indian Express There is reason to wonder if this law is intended to be taken seriously, except in getting everyone on the data base, making it a scheme to number the population, and giving extraordinary powers to the UIDAI. The disrespect for the law has been an abiding aspect of the UID project, never mind the government (facts have mattered as little, but that is for another time). In the beginning...
More »Aadhaar cleared through Money Bill route: Why Modi cannot use this option every time -Aditi Phadnis
-Business Standard Centre needs to have dialogue with the Opposition instead of letting politics come in the way; it needs to stoop to conquer Will the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government now use the Money Bills route to get Parliament — more to the point the Rajya Sabha where it does not have a majority — to clear legislation? The fact is, getting all Bills to be classified as Money Bills to circumvent...
More »Aadhaar bill is through after Opposition scores a few brownie points
-The Indian Express The process of return of the bill saw an animated debate over why it was brought as a money bill. Since it was a money Bill, it could not be rejected or amended by Rajya Sabha Hours after the Opposition, making most of the NDA’s lack of numbers in Rajya Sabha, pushed through five amendments and returned the Aadhaar Bill to Lok Sabha, the Lower House rejected the changes...
More »The budget’s dangerous philosophy -Harsh Mander
-Livemint.com The government relies on for-profit big business to deliver public goods despite their inability to deliver Can we listen to the budget as an annual public statement by the government of its economic and social philosophy and intent? The centre abandoned five-year plans that earlier laid down a road map of where government policies are headed. The budget, then, is an important reality check of whether the government is literally...
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