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Every third child is bullied in school, shows study -Ranjani Ayyar

-The Times of India CHENNAI: When R Karthika, a Class 10 student of a school in Kodungaiyur complained of bullying, virtually nobody took her seriously. On Monday, when her mother stepped out of the house, Karthika ended her life in a noose. Bullying - sometimes with tragic consequences - is more prevalent than we think. A recent study by research agency IMRB and ParentCircle, has revealed that every third child is bullied...

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Monsoon Deficit: Country Stares at Drought

-PTI New Delhi: The spectre of a drought looms over large parts of the country with 40 per cent of its land mass receiving "deficient" rainfall. "As of today, 47 per cent of the country has witnessed normal rainfall, 40 per cent deficient and merely 13 per cent excess precipitation. The overall deficiency has increased to 12 per cent," India Meteorological Department said, adding with the southwest monsoon expected to start withdrawing...

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Rice farmer grows crop with 60% less water, awarded -Adarsh Jain

-The Times of India COIMBATORE: The Indian Rice Research Institute, Hyderabad, has awarded a farmer from Dharapuram for adopting drip irrigation system in rice cultivation, thereby reducing water consumption by 60%. Parthasarathy M, 69, received the Innovative Rice Farmer Award on August 29. In all, 30 farmers from sixteen states were nominated for this award. Parthasarathy bagged the award for largescale adoption of drip irrigation for rice cultivation in Amaravathy sub-basin in Tamil...

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Banking is a child’s play for these slum kids in Ranchi -Saumya Mishra

-Hindustan Times Ranchi: Bankers come in pint size at an urban slum in Ranchi. And they run a bank for the children, by the children and of the children. Ten-year-old Nisha Kumari has an account in the bank — Children’s Development Khazana (CDK)—which opened in 2014. And her small pleasures of childhood is not held hostage to the priorities of her poor family. “During Durga Puja last year, a few relatives had visited...

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In fact: El Nino wins, IMD gets the consolation prize -Amitabh Sinha

-The Indian Express In the end, the Madden Julian Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole failed to cancel out the warming of the Pacific — a situation the Met Office had predicted as early as in April, giving govts time to prepare. In June, a rain-bearing weather phenomenon called Madden Julian Oscillation, or MJO, came to India’s rescue. July was bad, but a few timely interventions by convectional, or heat-induced, rainfall in...

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