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'Well-designed integrated farming system can help double farmers' INCome by 2022' -Sobhapati Samom

-Down to Earth Experts say they have already submitted a document to the ICAR about adopting IFS in north-eastern states India needs to adopt a “well designed” integrated farming system (IFS) to realise Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision to double farmers’ INCome by 2022, observed the scientists and agricultural experts at the ongoing 105th Indian Science Congress in Manipur today (March 19). “The IFS can enhance farmers’ INCome if we provide a...

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In replies to RTI queries, snapshots of information panels' health

-The Indian Express Several commissions were either not functioning or functioning at reduced capacity as posts of Commissioners, INCluding those of Chief Information Commissioners, were vacant during the period under review. A recent study to assess the performance of Information Commissions (ICs) by non-government organisations Satark Nagrik Sangathan (SNS) and Centre for Equity Studies (CES) has found several shortcomings in their functioning, which impact the effectiveness of the Right to Information...

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India needs to trust its farmers and set them free -Shruti Rajagopalan The only way to solve the farmers’ problem is to make entry to other sectors attractive by creating employment opportunities, and to make it easy to exit farming Farmers have a bad romance with the Indian polity. On the one hand, India loves, even worships, these farmers. On the other, Indian policymakers create the most impossible regulatory environment for the agricultural sector, trapping farmers in a low-INCome, low-productivity occupation. The latest...

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What does corporate data tell us about job growth in India? -Tadit Kundu and Pramit Bhattacharya Corporate job growth has recovered over the past couple of years but the pace of job creation remains lacklustre The promise of creating new jobs helped Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) win a historic victory in the 2014 general elections. With a year left for the next general elections, Modi and his government find themselves under fire from opponents for what they perceive to be a failure to...

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Why forest rights matter - Rajshree Chandra

-The Indian Express The demand is a call for upholding local practices of belonging On March 12, about 50,000 farmers reached Mumbai, walking 165 km in the hope that their elected representatives would listen when they spoke. A majority of these farmers were Adivasis and one of their demands was the implementation of the Forest Rights Act (FRA) and through it, their land rights. The FRA was enacted in 2006 with the...

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