Total Matching Records found : 9940

Citizens paid Rs 45 crore in BRIbe in 21 months-Aparajita Ray

Citizens across 483 cities paid as much as Rs 44.77 crore in BRIbes, to get their land documents, electricity connections, a seat in a preferred college or register their dream home. And all this in just 21 months. IpaidaBRIbe, the only online forum for citizens to air their grievances when they grease palms, clocked 1 million hits as on May 31, 2012. Needless to say, it is the registration department...

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Rs. 1,500-cr. plan for census towns

-The Hindu   To provide water supply, drainage, solid waste management and street lighting  If a rural area boasts a high population — well above 5,000, sometimes as high as 20,000 — with most of its workforce in non-farm jobs, is it a village or a town? For almost 4,000 such areas, the definition is unclear: the census calls them towns, but since they have gram panchayats rather than municipal corporations, the government...

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Single authority oversight for intelligence agencies favoured by Sandeep Joshi

The Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), in its report on reforms in the intelligence setup, has recommended BRInging all agencies under Parliamentary scrutiny, while suggesting that a single authority be put in charge of all agencies, civil and military. In its report — A Case for Intelligence Reforms in India — the IDSA, an autonomous body funded by the Ministry of Defence, has advocated providing these agencies a legal...

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Taking the stink out of city sanitation-Kalpana Sharma

In South Mumbai's upscale Malabar Hill, a neighbourhood of 6,000 people share 52 toilets, 26 for men and 26 for women. That works out to around 115 people per toilet. Nearby live some of the oldest and richest families of the city with homes where one person may have a choice of many toilets. But this is Simla Nagar, where 720 households are precariously perched on a not so wealthy slope...

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Excise levy may be raised on diesel cars-Amrit Raj

Finance ministry asks automobile sector to submit a report on the impact of such a move within a week’s time The government appears to have made up its mind to increase excise duty on diesel cars to neutralize the advantage of the state subsidy that has prompted motorists to increasingly favour vehicles powered by the fuel that’s Rs.30 a litre cheaper at the pump than petrol. Indications that the government is leaning...

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