To import rice or not? That is the question to which the government does not seem to have a clear-cut answer. Senior ministers have been losing no opportunity to talk about importing rice, citing the monsoon-induced shortfall in production as the reason. Somewhat contrarily, they have also been asserting that the government has enough stock of rice and there is no need for any worry about a supply shortage, but...
In reverse gear by MJ Antony
Judicial activism has faced several assaults from politicians and bureaucrats ever since the Supreme Court became affirmative. But the sad part is that it has had to also face onslaughts from within. When the public interest litigation movement was in its infancy, a bench of strict constructionists one morning brought up 10 questions that would have choked its growth in coils of conservative interpretation of the Constitution (Sudip Mazumdar vs Union...
More »Road to Copenhagen by R Ramachandran
It has been a bumpy ride, with developed countries failing to make definite commitments and India hinting at a shift of stance. THE last leg of the climate change talks held in Barcelona, Spain, on November 2-6 in the run-up to the all-important 15th Conference of the Parties (COP-15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Copenhagen in December did not result in any dramatic development...
More »Climate threat worse than earlier feared
The latest UN environment report based on about 400 major peer-reviewed scientific studies over three years has warned that the threat of climate change could be much worse than predicted earlier. The UNEP Climate Change Science Compendium 2009 report warns that sea levels could rise by up to two metres by 2100 and five to ten times that over following cenTuries. (See salient feaTures and links below) It says that the...
More »Irom And The Iron In India’s Soul by Shoma Chaudhury
SOMETIMES, TO accentuate the intransigence of the present, one must revisit the past. So first, a flashback. The year is 2006. An ordinary November evening in Delhi. A slow, halting voice breaks into your consciousness. “How shall I explain? It is not a punishment, but my bounden duty…” A haunting phrase in a haunting voice, made slow with pain yet magnetic in its moral force. “My bounden duty.” What could...
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