Total Matching Records found : 6912

World's baby No. 7 billion could be born in UP by Rema Nagarajan

In the midst of all the handwringing over population explosion in the country, the Indian government might miss preparing for a global record-setting event — the birth of the baby that would take the population of planet earth to the seven billion mark. The momentous birth is projected to happen towards the October or November. But what's that got to do with India? Well, we just happen to be the country...

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Expert wants cosmic rays' impact on global warming assessed by N Gopal Raj

Charged particles from beyond solar system possibly affect the pace, but the extent is not clear The role of the cosmic rays has been highlightedin a paper by the former ISRO Chairman, U.R. Rao Dr. Rao points to a nine per cent reduction in the intensity of cosmic rays during the past 150 years The impact of cosmic rays on global warming needs to be assessed. Are charged particles coming from beyond the...

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Eco activists want ban on bauxite mining in Shevaroyan Hills

Accusing the Mettur-based Madras Aluminium Company (MALCO) of the Vedanta Group of indulging in “blatant violations” of all laws at the eco-sensitive Shevaroyan Hills here while mining for bauxite, a team of environmentalists and social activists, who carried out an exhaustive study on the environmental impact, has urged the State and Central governments to impose an `immediate ban' on its mining operations. The fact-finding study, sponsored by Salem-based Social Research and...

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Emerging Nations Tackle Food Costs by Eric Bellman and Alex Frangos

Fast-growing emerging nations are taking increasingly aggressive actions to beat back rising food prices as they grow more worried of threats to stability if prices don't start to retreat. Developing-market governments have unveiled a laundry list of measures—including price caps, export bans and rules to counter commodity speculation—to keep food costs from disrupting their economies as price spikes that some had hoped were temporary have stretched into the new year. Some...

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'Most RTI queries are about illegal buildings'

Information on illegal structures in their neighbourhood topped the list of queries asked by citizens, an analysis of RTI queries at an awareness camp showed. Citizens expressed concern at the three-day RTI camp organized by Mahiti Adhikar Manch and the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) at Parel that concluded on Friday. "A majority of the 175 participants said that they wanted to file RTI queries related to unauthorized changes made in...

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