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AgroStar: Agri inputs directly to farmers -Mayank Mishra

-Business Standard Mobile commerce venture AgroStar supplies seeds and fertiliser to farmers. As the company expands, delivery will be a challenge Navinbhai Karsanbhai Patel, a farmer from Navanagar in Gujarat, used to have a hard time securing quality inputs for his four-acre farm. That was before he got to know about AgroStar's offerings. His association with the company, now 18 months old, has resulted in 300 missed calls to the helpline number...

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Sonalde Desai, Prem Vashishtha and Omkar Joshi, lead researchers of the report entitled 'MGNREGA: A Catalyst for Rural Transformation', interviewed by Priyanka Kotamraju

Two recent reports show that this social sector scheme has had a causal impact in improving lives, especially for women and children Fourteen million people escaped falling into poverty under the world’s largest anti-poverty programme, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). In 10 years of its existence, the scheme reduced poverty by 32 per cent. Recent data also shows that more women are drawing cash incomes, more children...

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1 lakh farmers quit agriculture in 5 years in Maharashtra -Nikhil Deshmukh

-The Times of India KOLHAPUR: As many as one lakh families of farmers in the state opted out of agriculture, their sole profession, in the last five years, according to the latest agriculture Census figures. Experts expressed fears that the trend might continue with the availability of other income sources and tolerance level of the farmers reaching its peak. The final figures of agricultural land holdings for 2015-16 will be released later. According...

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Assam Muslim growth is higher in districts away from border -Sagnik Chowdhury & Abantika Ghosh

-The Indian Express With assembly elections due next year, and whispers about how UPA sat on religion census data for fear of a backlash before the Lok Sabha elections, the Congress is maintaining a studied silence. In the decadal growth of the Muslim population of India between 2001 and 2011, the highest in terms of percentage points has been in Assam. Its Muslim population has risen from 30.9 per cent to...

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India fixes health goals for next 15 years -Sushmi Dey

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: India has set itself a challenging target to reduce maternal mortality rate to 70 per 1000 live births, and for neonatal and under-five to 12 and 25 per 1,000 births respectively under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved over the next 15 years. The consensus over the new targets was achieved within the government in a recent meeting of the health ministry and other...

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