-The Times of India India is all set to weed out and check the ever mushrooming clinics involved in renting a womb or carrying out Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). The Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation Bill, prepared by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), will make it mandatory for all clinics involved in treating infertility through procedures like artificial insemination with husband's semen (AIH) or in-vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF) to get registered...
Baghpat panchayat issues Talibani diktat for women-Pervez Iqbal Siddiqui
-The Times of India LUCKNOW: In a country where women have served on the country's highest Constitutional posts, the fairer sex is being made to live the Taliban way in Aasra village of Baghpat district of UP, barely 50km from the national capital. The village panchayat has put a total ban on women under 40 years from visiting local markets, using cellphones and being seen in public without their head covered. Ironically,...
More »Unfair Tax: Mandi tax on grain procurement offers some states a double privilege
-The Economic Times State levies on grain purchase by the Food Corporation of India (FCI) will reportedly push up the Centre's food subsidy bill by Rs 10,000 crore this fiscal year. This is absurd and untenable. High taxes and commissions - 14.5% in Punjab and 10.5% in Haryana - on the minimum support price (MSP) of grain jack up the costs of procurement, drive private trade out of these markets, and set...
More »AG justifies Presidential Reference-J Venkatesan
-The Hindu ‘Law declared insofar as spectrum cannot be extended to other natural resources’ The far-reaching nature of implementing the 2G judgment insofar as it was extended to auctioning of all natural resources (other than spectrum) would have a huge impact on Foreign Direct Investment and other investments in this country, argued Attorney General G.E. Vahanvati in the Supreme Court on Thursday. Justifying the Presidential Reference and the need for an advisory opinion...
More »Govt relax norms; lakhs of tribals can now claim forest land-Chetan Chauhan
-The Hindustan Times Thousands of tribals living in forests across will now be able to claim land as Tribal Affairs ministry on Thursday relaxed norms in a bid to thwart attempt of forest department official to reject the claims. As per the new rules notified under the Forest Rights Act, the ministry had allowed tribal and forest dwellers to submit all available evidence to claim land in forest areas. The forest department...
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