North-East should go for investment in public-private-partnership basis for more development work, member of planning commission B K Chaturvedi said here today. "Since public invest has been sufficient, the states should opt for public-private-partnership in a big way in different areas of both physical and social developments," he said while speaking at Moatsu-cum-Roadshow programme here. Chaturvedi, who looks after North-East in Planning Commission, feels the region lags in many areas and NE...
Self-employment scheme suffers from regional disparities by Ruhi Tewari
A decade-old scheme to organize the rural poor into self-help groups and impart training to them has brought hundreds of thousands above the poverty line, says the rural development ministry, which executes the programme. Some 4.5 million people living below the poverty line have been trained under the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana, or SGSY, while 3.5 million self-help groups (SHGs) have been created since its launch in 1999. An evaluation of SGSY...
More »For proximate and speedy justice by KK Venugopal
While the Supreme Court should become a Constitutional Court, the setting up of Courts of Appeal, each comprising 15 judges divided into five benches, for the four regions of the country will prove to be a real boon to litigants. Things had come to a pass in the Supreme Court of India, when Justice E.S. Venkataramiah in P.N. Kumar v. Municipal Corporation of Delhi, (1987) 4 SCC 609 relegated the...
More »Will India-EU deal make drugs dearer? by Rema Nagarajan
Is the Indian government bargaining away the rights of millions across the world to essential drugs supplied by India, hailed as the pharmacy of the developing world, in the name of free trade with the European Union (EU)? That's a fear being expressed by civil society groups in the developing world. Commerce minister Anand Sharma vehemently denies such a possibility, claiming that the free trade agreement (FTA) under negotiation with...
More »Public-Private-Panchayat Partnership for inclusive growth by Harsh Singh
India grapples with endemic backwardness in over 200 districts while some sectors and sections make global headlines. The Centre on Market Solutions to Poverty's report, Creating Vibrant Public-Private-Panchayat Partnerships for Inclusive Growth through Inclusive Governance explores this paradox by looking at the ground-level realities in local governance through the Panchayati Raj, the issues of agricultural productivity and value addition, and the role that the business sector could play in rural...
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