-Down to Earth Telangana Chief Minister said cloudbursts may be a 'foreign conspiracy' during his visit to flood-hid Bhadrachalam India, especially its Himalayan states Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, are devastated by cloudbursts several times moslty during the monsoon season. Flash floods caused by a cloudburst in Uttarakhand in 2013, killing thousands of people, is one of the worst natural disasters the country recorded since the 2004 tsunami. Climate change has been making these...
Mr. Modi, How are you Going to Handle Wheat? -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in With wheat stocks at a 14-year low and procurement at a 20-year low, how is the ration system going to deliver this staple to crores of people? At the end of June this year, government procurement of wheat was about 188 lakh tonnes, dramatically down by 57% from last year’s 433 lakh tonnes, as per official figures. This is the lowest procurement amount in the last two decades. It was back...
More »Can Unicorns Become Growth Engines of India’s Economy? -Shinzani Jain
-Newsclick.in The relatively new and fragile start-up ecosystem is not a solution to the larger problem of pauperisation of the working population of the country. In May 2022, a report in the magazine, The Economist, claimed that “a novel confluence of forces stands to transform India’s economy over the next decade, improving the lives of 1.4 billion people and changing the balance of power in ASIa. Technological leaps, the energy transition, and...
More »Consumption of non-veg food items has risen since 2015-16, points out NFHS-5 data
Is India a country where most people eat vegetarian food? The answer to this question is a bit complex. The consumption of either vegetarian or non-vegetarian food depends not just on one's personal choice but also on one’s geographical location, caste and religious background, gender and marital status. There are other determining factors as well behind a person's choice of food. The results of the newly released data of the fifth...
More »Sri Lanka crisis: Why more countries are facing similar economic turmoil -Darpan Singh
-IndiaToday.in The economic crisis is not limited to Sri Lanka. From Europe to ASIa to Africa, many emerging economies are slipping into chaos. Here is the why and what next. Sri Lanka's President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe have said they will resign for an all-party interim government to take over. Thousands of demonstrators entered the palaces of both men in Colombo over the weekend as the bankrupt island nation...
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