The Internet Freedom Foundation has requested the Tamil Nadu government to provide residents with a choice to produce an alternate document of identification - Medianama The Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) has written to the Tamil Nadu Finance Secretary requesting the government to provide residents with a choice to produce an alternate document of identification such as a driving license, voter ID, or passport to avail benefits of government schemes. Violation of privacy and...
Joshimath sank 5.4cm in 12 days, ISRO satellite images show - Poulomi Ghosh
-Hindustan Times The National Remote Sensing Centre of the Indian Space Research Organisation has released satellite images of Joshimath, the Uttarakhand town gradually sinking because of land subsidence. It has revealed that a rapid subsidence of 5.4 centimeters has Been recorded in 12 days between December 27, 2022 and January 8, 2023. The 12-day period of subsidence has Been rapid, because between April 2022 and November 2022, Joshimath saw a slow...
More »Limited Room for Public Spending - Santosh Mehrotra
- Financial Express The Union Government will present its ninth and last full budget before national elections in early 2024. But none of the growth engines inspire optimism, Santosh Mehrotra writes in Financial Express. Nearly 60 percent of India's GDP is accounted for by private onsumption expenditure. However, since demonetisation consumer expenditure has Been tepid as job growth fell sharply. Per capita consumption in 2022-23 is just above the level of 2019-20. Private...
More »India’s 20 Largest Profit Generators Are Earning 80% Of the Nation’s Profits - Nandita Rajhansa, Saurabh Mukherjea
A decade ago, this figure was around 40%. This is leading to an increasingly polarised stock market - Marcellus/The Wire The United Payments Interface and the digitisation of business activity in India are one of the several factors driving an exponential surge in the concentration of corporate profitability in India. Improvements in transport infrastructure (e.g., the highway network has doubled over the past decade), the introduction of GST (in 2017) and new...
More »The Centre has not paid MGNREGA wages in Bengal for a year - Nachiket Deuskar
- The right to work has Been suspended in the state as a result of a political battle over upcoming elections. People working under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in West Bengal have not Been paid their wages for more than a year now with the Union government stopping the payment of funds. Bengal is the only state impacted by this stoppage, reports. MGNREGA is a national...
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