-The Hindu The former Prime Minister, H.D. Deve Gowda, has condoled the death of Bharatiya Kisan Union president and farmers' leader Mahendra Singh Tikait. In a condolence message issued here on Monday, the Janata Dal (Secular) president said he was “deeply shocked and saddened” to hear about Tikait's death. “He was a grass roots-level farmers' leader, who fought incessantly for the cause of ryots without any expectations and desire for power or...
History of deception by AG Noorani
The 1985 Lokpal Bill destroyed the raison d'etre of the institution of an ombudsman, but all successive governments copied it. PUBLIC anger was understandably aroused over the gross delay by Parliament in the last 40 years to enact a Lokpal Bill and with the toothless one that the government sponsored. It is not widely known that the delay was aggravated by deception and fraud in 1985. It was, however, emulated by...
More »In Dalit student suicides, the death of merit by Vidya Subrahmaniam
He killed himself in his college library, unable to bear the insults and taunts. The suicide note recovered from his coat pocket charged his Head of the Department (HOD) with deliberately failing him and threatening to fail him over and over. Seven months later, a three-member group of senior professors re-evaluated his answer sheet and found that he had in fact passed the test. Medical student Jaspreet Singh, a Dalit by...
More »Bribery charge must now be investigated by Siddharth Varadarajan
The Embassy cable suggests a serious crime was committed on Indian soil to which U.S. diplomats were privy. The Prime Minister cannot cite lame arguments to justify inaction. Since politics is a distraction, consider the following retelling of the WikiLeaks tale. An activist dies in a traffic accident. CCTV footage from a bank nearby suggests he might have been murdered but the case is never investigated properly. Three years later,...
More »20 names announced for JPC by Smita Gupta
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday moved a motion in the Lok Sabha for the appointment of a 30-member Joint Parliamentary Committee to go into the 2G spectrum issue. The 20 members from the Lower House who would be in the JPC were named. The names of the remaining 10 who would represent the Upper House would be announced on March 1, when the House officially joins the JPC. The JPC...
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