-The Times of India The Madras high court has directed the Tamil Nadu school education department to finalise and publish the rules for the Right to Education Act within six weeks. The first bench comprising Chief Justice M Y Eqbal and Justice T S Sivagnanam delivering its order on a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by advocate S Sathia Chandran, who said that though the act has laudable provisions, it could...
Sparring partners by Nandini Sundar
Rather than shutting its doors on ‘civil society’, the government should be thanking its stars that the latter wants to make law, not war. Distributing tee-shirts with this slogan would be a better use of the government’s ‘hearts and minds’ funds than the integrated action plan to counter Naxals, or the army’s tourism trips to Pune for Kashmiri schoolgirls. The UPA regime has been unprecedented for the spate of legislation that...
More »Most complaints under RTE Act relate to dirty toilets
Jury issues recommendations to State on developing safety and health policies for schools NCPCR to conduct investigation into accident in school; school asked to maintain records In addition to instances of gross violation of the provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, like fee/fund collection and corporal punishment, a large number of complaints lodged with the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) pertain to...
More »“See all children as equals to actualise their rights” by Aarti Dhar
The four years of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) have shown that it is possible to fight all forms of violence against children including child labour, corporal punishment, child abuse and discrimination. Speaking at the fourth foundation day celebrations here on Saturday, NCPCR chairperson Shantha Sinha said moving away from a welfare approach to a rights-based perspective had been the first important step. “To actualise rights of...
More »Soon, beating your child could land you in jail by Himanshi Dhawan
Parents who practice the dictum, 'spare the rod and spoil the child', had better watch out. The government is planning a legislation that will make meting out corporal punishment to a child an offence not just for educational institutions and care givers, but also for parents, relatives, neighbours and friends. In other words, just like in the US, children in India will be able to take parents or relatives to...
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