-The Hindu UIDAI had warned against sharing them to avoid ‘misuse’ Two days after it issued an advisory cautioning people against sharing a photocopy of their Aadhaar card, the government on Sunday withdraw the notification, claiming that it could be “misinterpreted”. A perusal of past tweets by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which manages Aadhar, shows the about-turn reveals confusion on its policy regarding photocopies of Aadhaar. The Bengaluru Regional Office...
Marital rape, Swachh Bharat, digital divide: Latest NFHS survey reveals startling data -Yashwant Deshmukh and Sutanu Guru
-IndiaToday.in The recent National Family Health Survey that was conducted between 2019 and 2021 busts many myths and also confirms some ugly realities of India. Numbers and data should be the two deities that any self-respecting media professional should respect and revere. Unfortunately, in the din and noise of acrimonious debates that revolve around matters of faith, a treasure trove of fascinating data that showcases an India that is both changing and...
More »India Has Max Covid Deaths, Says WHO; Incorrect, Says Government -Sunil Prabhu
-NDTV.com "India has consistently questioned WHO's own admission that data in respect of seventeen Indian states was obtained from some websites and media reports and was used in their mathematical model," the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said. New Delhi: India has strongly refuted the World Health Organisation's use of mathematical model to calculate the number of Covid deaths, saying the "figure is totally removed from reality". Contending that the country...
More »After appealing for funds for his cancer treatment, journalist Pawan Jaiswal passes away
-Newslaundry.com In 2019, the UP government had filed an FIR against Jaiswal for reporting on a school serving roti and salt as a mid day meal. Freelance journalist Pawan Jaiswal has died, less than a month after he had publicly appealed to Uttar Pradesh politicians to help him pay for his cancer treatment. Jaiswal was well-known for his work; in 2019, he had reported on how a government school in Uttar Pradesh’s Mirzapur...
More »With growth led by ‘news broadcasting and digital operations’, Network18 reports 58% spike in net profit
-Newslaundry.com According to Moneycontrol, digital news reported the most growth in terms of operating revenue. Network18 Media & Investments Ltd reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 61.6 crore for the quarter ending March – a rise of 58.1 percent from last year, Moneycontrol reported on Tuesday. According to the report, the media company also saw a “14.6 percent on-year rise in consolidated revenue from operations to Rs 1,621.1 crore”. The surge was...
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