-Hindustan Times BJP received the maximum donations of Rs 705.81 crore from 2,987 corporate donors followed by INC which received Rs 198.16 crore from 167 corporate donors. New Delhi: The BJP received the lion’s share – Rs 705.81 crore – of Rs 956.77 crore that corporate houses donated to five national parties between 2012-13 and 2015-16, a report by a Delhi-based non-profit pushing for poll reforms said on Thursday. The party, which swept...
Diane Coffey, visiting researcher at Indian Statistical Institute (Delhi) and also assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin, interviewed by Sagar (CaravanMagazine.in)
-CaravanMagazine.in In mid 2011, Diane Coffey and Dean Spears, both visiting researchers at Economics and Planning Unit of Indian Statistical Institute in Delhi and also assistant professors at the University of Texas at Austin, moved to Sitapur, a district in Uttar Pradesh, to conduct a study on poor early-life health and process of stunting among many Indian children. While Coffey attempted to understand the challenges of raising a baby in the...
More »Minus money, PM 'model' loses sheen -Anita Joshua
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Parliamentarians, even those from the BJP, have been dragging their feet for the second year in a row over adopting villages in their constituencies (or states) under the Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana. Over a quarter into this fiscal, only 40 of the 788 MPs have identified gram panchayats for adoption under the programme, which mandates them to develop these villages into "model villages" for others to...
More »Political economy structures perpetuate myopic understanding of agriculture sector -Nirvikar Singh
-The Financial Express A half-dozen years ago, I participated in a conference on water resource challenges in India. I remember Upmanu Lall, professor at Columbia University, graphically and bluntly making the point that Punjab’s water table was not far from collapse. This has been known for years, and there have been feeble efforts to deal with the problem, but they have been far short of what is needed. My own understanding...
More »EC to house panel: State funding won?t help, need radical changes to monitor poll expenditure -Anand Mishra
-The Indian Express Both the EC and the Law Ministry have been asked to furnish their written replies at the next meeting. New Delhi: AMID THE demands for state funding of elections, the Election Commission (EC) has categorically told a parliamentary panel that it is “not in favour” of the move. It has, instead, called for “radical changes” in the “provisions regarding receipt of funds” and expenditure by political parties to...
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