-The Hindu Court was hearing a challenge to Maratha reservation law New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday was urged to set up a 11-judge Bench to reconsider its 50% cap on reservation. The push for it came while the court was hearing a challenge to the Maratha reservation law. A bunch of petitions contended that the law, which provides 12 to 13 per cent Quota for the community in Maharashtra, breached the...
Despite govt claims, migrants continue to be vulnerable and abandoned -Arundhati Dhuru and Sandeep Pandey
-The Indian Express Even though Adityanath announced more than once that needy people will get ration even without a ration card, the fact is that the returnee migrant labourers who don’t have ration cards or their names have been struck off from ration cards because they were not staying in their village, are neither getting the regular Quota of ration nor the free Quota made available during the coronavirus crisis period. In...
More »‘Extend working days under MGNREGA’
-The Hindu Binoy Viswam asks Modi to make it a minimum of 200 days CPI Rajya Sabha MP Binoy Viswam in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged to extend the Quota of working days under the MGNREGA scheme to a minimum of 200 days and additionally, extend the limitations of the scheme to per adult individual rather than per household. “To ensure survival and dignity to all its citizens is the...
More »Amid demand surge, 1.4 lakh families have reached annual MGNREGA work limit -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Activists demand doubling of 100 days per household limit At least 1.4 lakh poor rural households have already completed their Quota of 100 days of work under MGNREGA in the first three months of the year, and will not be eligible for further benefits under the rural employment guarantee scheme for the rest of the year. Another seven lakh households have completed 80 days and are on the verge of...
More »One state, one ration card: MP reforms its Aadhaar-enabled PDS, helps migrant workers -Milind Ghatwai
-The Indian Express Madhya Pradesh government has now found a solution. Under the Aadhaar-enabled PDS, the respective grain Quota is given to the nominee after verification of his biometric details. It’s not uncommon for beneficiaries of the public distribution system (PDS) to miss out on their Quota of monthly food grains for reasons ranging from disability to old age to failure of the biometric verification system. But the Madhya Pradesh government has now...
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