-The Hindu No extra funds, money coming from Samagra Shiksha’s 20% lower budget The Centre’s new mission to ensure that every Class 3 child has foundational literacy and numeracy within five years will be rolled out on Monday. Although the National Education Policy had included a 2025 deadline to achieve the goal, the Centre has pushed back the target date to 2026-27, given that COVID-19 has already disrupted two academic years. The School...
‘Students lagging behind’: Parents, teachers in Kerala concerned over online classes -Haritha John
-TheNewsMinute.com Around 7 of the 10 government or aided-school students TNM spoke to about their online classes, said that they haven't paid attention or learnt anything much. "I haven't learnt anything new in the last year. I listened to some English lessons as I liked stories and poems, other than that I haven't attended any of the classes properly. I have no clue what I learnt in Maths and Science. Some teachers...
More »Eminent individuals oppose the appointment of Justice Arun Mishra as Chairperson of NHRC
-Press release by People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) dated 2nd June, 2021 We, the members of various Human Rights Organisations and Concerned individuals, condemn the appointment of former SC Judge, Shri Arun Kumar Mishra, as the next Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India by the selection Committee headed by the Prime Minister. What is troubling is that the decision to appoint Justice Arun Kumar Mishra as NHRC...
More »COVID writing on the wall ahead of UP polls -Biswajeet Banerjee
-The Pioneer The severe wave of the killer pandemic has virtually nullified all the good work undertaken by the Yogi Adityanath Government After a month of devastation Covid-19 has caused in Uttar Pradesh leaving behind a trail of deaths and stories of agony emanating from almost each mohulla across the State, the insiders in the BJP and in the RSS realise that whatever be their achievements like providing houses to poor or...
More »Gujarat's pastoral communities struggling for awareness, infrastructure to combat second COVID-19 wave -Rituja Mitra and Aastha Maggu
-Down to Earth The nomadic pastoral communities cannot afford to remain in their houses even during a pandemic The second wave of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has ravaged livelihoods of people in urban areas. Its has now quietly started to wreak havoc on the lives of people in rural areas. Across the country, villagers are brushing off symptoms of COVID-19 as seasonal flu. The crumbling health infrastructure fails to provide them...
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