-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Delhi government has filed a criminal case in the Patiala House courts here against two Hindi channels and one English channel for telecasting videos that have been found to be doctored, a government source said. The channels had telecast videos of JNU students, including Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya, at an event to commemorate Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru's execution on February 9 on the...
‘Sedition law is political; it is misused in India’
-The Hindu Chennai: The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy organised a panel discussion on ‘Free Speech and Sedition in a Democracy. Focussing on the recent events that unfolded at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy organised a panel discussion on ‘Free Speech and Sedition in a Democracy,’ touching upon the impact of Sedition law on freedom of speech, in Chennai on Thursday. Former...
More »VP provokes editors: ‘24X7 agitation’ putting pressures -Aditi Tandon
-The Tribune New Delhi: Top editors today engaged in an eclectic dialogue on the ills of Indian journalism after Vice-President Hamid Ansari listed their challenges in the times of “24X7 agitation of television news channels”. Addressing a seminar on the “Role of Editors in Today’s Media”, a Rajya Sabha TV initiative, Ansari lamented the decline of media ethics, recalling recent instances of some TV channels airing concocted content at the peak of...
More »Patented Patriotism -Kalyani Menon-Sen
-Kafila.org The last few months have seen an unusual public engagement around questions of secularism, freedom of speech, Sedition and the like, with furious debates everywhere from our campuses, streets and TV studios to the floor of Parliament. The budget session has been enlivened by scenes of high drama, with the leading lights of the Treasury benches bringing colour, sound and fury to their tutorials on patriotism and nationalism. While these high-decibel...
More »Sedition law: State and Its dissidents
-Business Standard As many as 47 Sedition cases were reported in 2014 across nine states, according to the National Crime Records Bureau The 156-year-old colonial-era Sedition law, used against arrested Kanhaiya Kumar, president of the students' union, Jawaharlal Nehru University, has been discarded by the UK (where punishment once included chopping ears), South Korea and Indonesia. Kumar was sent to judicial custody for 14 days, amid violence within and outside a Delhi court...
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