-The Hindu The prices of petrol and diesel touched a new high on Sunday with Mumbai paying the maximum among the four metros. Mumbai: State owned oil marketing companies (OMCs) have again increased the price of sensitive petroleum products like petrol and diesel in the country on Sunday. The prices of petrol and diesel touched a new high on Sunday with Mumbai paying the maximum among the four metros. While petrol costs ? 89.29...
As Consumers Reel from High Fuel Prices, OMCs Make a Killing Off Inventory Gains -Noor Mohammad
-TheWire.in Indian Oil, BPCL and HPCL together made inventory gains of over Rs 12,000 crore in the April-June 2018 quarter alone as the price of crude rallied. New Delhi: Indian consumers of petrol and diesel may be reeling under high prices but oil marketing companies (OMCs) and the government are having a great time. The three state-owned companies – Indian Oil, BPCL and HPCL – together made inventory gains of over Rs 12,000...
More »Fuel prices hiked again; petrol now costs Rs. 86.91/litre in Mumbai -Piyush Pandey
-The Hindu The falling Indian rupee will make oil imports costlier and lead to a rise in fuel prices Mumbai: After holding on for a day, the State-owned oil marketing companies (OMCs) again increased the price of petroleum products such as petrol and diesel in the country on Thursday. The prices of petrol and diesel touched a new high on Thursday with Mumbai paying the maximum among the four metros. While petrol costs...
More »Petrol, diesel prices at highest-ever levels on rupee woes
-PTI New Delhi: Petrol and diesel prices in the country touched their highest levels Monday mainly due to dramatic fall in rupee and a sharp rise in crude oil rates. Petrol price in Delhi rose to a record Rs 79.15 a litre and diesel climbed to a fresh high of Rs 71.15, according to price notification of state-owned fuel retailers. This follows ?a 31 paise/litre hike in prices on Monday. Rates have breached...
More »Why Indian government exports petrol at half the price we pay -Anand Patel
-IndiaToday.in New Delhi: A news report actively shared on social media based on RTI reply on exports claims that India is exporting refined petrol to 15 nations at Rs 34 per litre while refined diesel is exported to 29 countries at Rs 37 per litre as per the information provided. It is being alleged that Government has levied high taxes on petroleum products making it a prized commodity for domestic consumers while...
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