-The Hindu The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday arrested former Gujarat Assistant Commissioner of Police N.K. Amin in connection with the fake encounter killing of Mumbai college girl Ishrat Jahan and three others. Amin was recently freed on bail in the Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case by the Bombay High Court on health grounds. On Thursday, he was arrested from the Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad where he was undergoing treatment. Ishrat...
Justice Big Mouth- Rahul Kotiyal and Ajachi Chakrabarti
-Tehelka A public issue is not truly public unless Markandey Katju has passed judgement. Rahul Kotiyal and Ajachi Chakrabarti stand downwind "Journalists" writes Markandey Katju, with little sense of irony, "comment on everything under the sun." He goes on to say that when the shoe is on the other foot, when someone comments on journalism, it is misconstrued as an attack on press freedom. That when he announces he is appointing a...
More »Pathribal carnage evidence to be recorded in Valley -Ahmed Ali Fayyaz
-The Hindu Jammu: Responding to the public pressure, an Army court on Saturday decided to shift its centre of recording the statements of witnesses in the Pathribal carnage from Nagrota in Jammu to Awantipore in Kashmir valley. The court is holding trial on a chargesheet as the CBI has held a group of the Army officials guilty of killing five civilians in a fake encounter in Anantnag district in March 2000. Even...
More »Latehar encounter: 'Security forces used us as human shields' -Deepu Sebastian Edmond
-The Indian Express Latehar: The villagers of Amwatikar, about 40 km from Latehar town, have alleged that security forces used their men, women and children as “human shields” and forced them to look for and recover the bodies of CRPF men killed in the encounter with Maoists last week. Four villagers were killed and a fifth was injured when they were trying to recover the body of a CRPF personnel which had...
More »Latehar storm after Maoist lull-Ashutosh Bhardwaj
-The Indian Express The audacity of the Latehar ambush, which ended with Maoists implanting explosive devices inside the corpses of CRPF men, comes amid security forces’ claims that the rebels are a declining force. What was probably the cruellest ever assault on security forces came at a time police in several states were praising themselves for having contained Maoists. Over the last 14 months, Maoist violence had declined partly because they had...
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