-The Hindustan Times maruti Suzuki on Thursday said it would restart production at its violence-hit factory in Manesar, Haryana on August 21 and dismiss at least 500 permanent workers. The workers to be sacked include the 154 in police custody for the July 18 violence, which left senior HR executive AK Dev dead and at least 96 officials injured. “Through internal enquiries, we have identified at least 500 permanent workers who, we...
No pay today for 2000 staff at maruti's Manesar plant-Yogesh Kumar
-The Times of India GURGAON: Over 2,000 employees, from top honchos to the workers, posted at the violence-hit Manesar plant of maruti Suzuki India, will not get their salaries on Wednesday (August 1). Confirming the move, maruti's chief operating officer (administration), S Y Siddiqui, said: "No one working at the Manesar plant will be given salary. According to the rule, after the company's lockout, workers are not paid till the time it...
More »Unfair contract
-The Business Standard Hiring contract labour must come with more commitments Almost a third of India’s organised labour force is on contract. This is an inevitable consequence of archaic labour laws that make it impossible for India Inc to disengage permanent workers even if they can’t afford them, don’t need them or they don’t perform. Companies such as maruti Suzuki India have thus used contract workers liberally — almost half the workers...
More »Can India Inc. face the truth about the Manesar violence?-G Sampath
-DNA It would be sad if the ghastly violence at maruti Suzuki’s (MSIL) Manesar plant on July 18, 2012, in which a HR manager died, were to be understood simply as a ‘murderous workers’ vs ‘rational management’ kind of an incident. There is a history and a context to this violence, and how that is understood, and acknowledged, by India Inc. will indicate how serious we are about preventing such incidents...
More »maruti plant lockout to hit contract workers
-PTI Contract labourers working in factories of component suppliers to maruti Suzuki could bear the brunt of the lockout at the Manesar plant of India's largest carmaker. Working on wafer thin margins amid stiff competition, many of the component suppliers which have been already feeling the heat due to an overall slowdown in the automotive market, are considering to reduce their workforce. "If there is prolonged lockout at maruti's Manesar plant, there is no...
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