-The Indian Express Leaders of the Bhartiya Kisan Union leaders said the wrestlers came from Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana. At 1 pm on Sunday, farmers at the Ghazipur border gathered in a circle around a large mat placed near the stage where two wrestlers stood facing each other. Within minutes, the crowd erupted in cheers as one of the players held her opponent in a headlock and threw her on...
Why Modi Govt Looked the Other Way on Giving Cash Relief During Pandemic -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in Timidity vis-à-vis international finance capital, callousness toward people, and cynicism in manipulating the electorate and legislators, have made the Modi government one of the most ultra-Right governments in the world. The Narendra Modi government must be the most timid in the world vis-à-vis international finance capital. By the same token, it must be the most callous in the world vis-à-vis the working people of the country. The one is the flip...
More »Almost 70% senior citizens in India have a chronic illness -Nand Lal Mishra, Gursimran Singh Rana and Devikrishna NB
-Down to Earth One in every five Indians below 45 have at least one morbid condition Two in every three senior citizens in India suffer from some chronic disease, according to the first Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI) released by the Union Ministry of Family and Health Welfare on January 6 2020. Around 23 per cent of the elderly population (age 60 years and above) have multi-morbidities; elderly women are more likely...
More »The faces behind the farmer revolt -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com * Unlikely alliances brought the disquiet to Delhi’s doorstep. Here’s the definitive behind-the-scenes account * Many of the farmer leaders who are out on the streets have not seen eye-to-eye for years, if not decades. Yet, decisions are being taken jointly, brushing aside years of acrimony Enough is enough. How long will we sit like this? Let us break the barricades and move toward Delhi. If some lives have to be sacrificed,...
More »'Thakur' Shoes: UP Police Detain Muslim Vendor But Agra Firm's Been Selling Brand for Decades -Ismat Ara
-TheWire.in The police action follows a complaint lodged by a Bajrang Dal organiser from Bulandshahr, alleging that the seller was promoting communal disharmony. New Delhi: A Muslim shopkeeper in Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr was detained by the police on Tuesday for selling shoes embossed with the word ‘Thakur’ on the sole with the authorities accusing him of inciting communal hatred. Thakur is a common Hindu name, normally associated with a so-called ‘upper’ caste. The shopkeeper,...
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