-The Hindu The incident happened on November 18, but the local police lodged an FIR only on December 5 after a local MLA intervened on behalf of the parents Ghaziabad: The police have arrested the directors of two private schools in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh for allegedly molesting 17 minor girl students who were asked to stay overnight on a school premises on the pretext of a practical exam. The incident allegedly...
Gramin Agricultural Markets: Two years on, just 6% haats upgraded -Shagun Kapil
-Down to Earth The Centre had announced a scheme in the 2018-19 budget to upgrade rural haats so that small farmers could get fair prices for their produce It has been two years since an ambitious programme to convert 22,000 rural haats into Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs) was launched. But only 1,251 have come up till now. This is barely six per cent of the target. Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar told...
More »TN finance minister stresses on need for data for better governance
-TheFederal.in Fund allocation could be done much more effectively with the availability of current data, said Palanivel Thiaga Rajan The Tamil Nadu government has scope for conducting accurate state-specific sample surveys, similar to the ones done by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) to improve availability of data for taking policy decisions, said Minister for Finance and Human Resources Management Palanivel Thiaga Rajan, in Chennai on Monday (December 6). The Tamil Nadu minister...
More »Beyond India @75: Growth, Inclusion and Sustainability -S Mahendra Dev
-Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai There have been many successes and failures in economic and social development of India in the last 75 years. The recent covid-19 pandemic had also an adverse impact on growth, employment, health and education etc. In this paper, issues and policies are discussed beyond India@75 for achieving growth, inclusion and development. As India is integrated with the world, global issues are also important for...
More »Managing livestock waste in Himachal reduces expensive farm inputs -
-The Tribune Farmers are use homemade alternatives for cultivation; state government records say 146,438 farmers, including 14,000 apple growers, in the hill state are doing natural farming either partially or fully, over 8,268 hectares Shimla: Amid the widespread shortage of fertilisers in the ongoing planting season in several States largely owing to spiking international prices, farmers in Himachal Pradesh are using homemade alternatives for cultivation that are not only safer for the...
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