-The Hindu Efforts of Jairam and Jyotiraditya to talk them out of it fail Dhanalakshmi, a 22-year-old from the Paliyar hill tribe of Tamil Nadu, is a long way from home. At 7 a.m. on Wednesday, she will join about 60,000 other landless poor, Adivasis and Dalits who have streamed into Gwalior from all parts of the country for a padayatra to the national capital, to present the demand that each of...
Foodgrain output projected to decline by 10 per cent: Pawar
-PTI India's foodgrains production is projected to decline by 10 per cent in the kharif season of this year at 117.18 million tonnes due to deficient monsoon and drought in some states. However, the government expects to make up for the decline in output during the Rabi season (winter sown crop). Foodgrain output stood at 129.94 million tonnes (MT)in last year's Kharif season. The production of rice - a major Kharif crop -...
More »Rise in Argentina’s maize exports to ease pressure in international food markets–UN
-The United Nations Argentina’s announcement that it would export an additional 2.75 million tonnes of maize this year will help ease tight international markets, the United Nations food agency said today, adding that while this is a welcome measure, countries must remain vigilante to avoid a global food crisis. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the announcement was made by Argentina’s Minister of Agriculture, Norberto Yauhar, who had just...
More »Likely drop in food output to keep prices high -Zia Haq
-The Hindustan Times Indian households, already paying more for food, could see prices remain high because of a likely fall in farm output, despite an abating drought. Although the monsoon has improved to be only 8% below average until September 12, production of pulses, cereals and sugar is likely to decline from last year's levels, when India posted a record harvest. "Although stocks are plentiful now, prices remain a real cause of concern...
More »Govt works on new monsoon model -Zia Haq
-The Hindustan Times India is building a new system to predict the monsoons - one that will forecast Summer rain more accurately than the present model. This comes after the ministry of earth sciences, which oversees the Met department, concluded that its 'empirical method' has become obsolete. The new model - called the dynamic model - will cost Rs. 400 crore and take three years to be ready. "Though the empirical model is still...
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