-The Hindu Over 5,000 violations pertains to distracting ‘part-screen’ and ‘scrolling’ ads The Electronic Media Monitoring Centre (EMMC) of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry has reported 13,000 instances of violations of regulatory norms by television channels in 2013-14. These violations came to light after Guntur-based Edara Gopi Chand, an activist with Media-Watch India, waged a three-year battle to expose the poor regulation of content on India’s TV channels. Using the RTI Act, Mr....
Approval to comprehensive New Urea Policy 2015
-Press Information Bureau/ Cabinet The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today gave its approval to a comprehensive New Urea Policy 2015 for the next four financial years. The Policy has multiple objectives of maximizing indigenous urea production and promoting energy efficiency in urea units to reduce the subsidy burden on the Government. Savings in energy shall reduce the carbon-footprint and would thus be more environment friendly....
More »Unlike Salman Khan, 60% of undertrials spend 3 months in jail before bail -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: While superstar Salman Khan secured bail in barely three hours after his conviction in a hit-and-run case, for majority of ordinary undertrials in the country it takes a minimum of over three months to get bail. According to government data, over 60% of undertrials spend more than three months in jail before they can secure release. The prolonged incarceration is due to the inability of...
More »Land bill: Govt could opt for joint panel route in attempt to break logjam
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The government is trying to break the deadlock over land acquisition bill by offering to set up a joint committee of the two Houses of Parliament for a fresh scrutiny of the contentious legislation that has been stalled by the opposition. The government has already sounded out some of opposition parties about the fresh initiative which it can announce while moving the bill for discussion in...
More »Midday meal scheme: Panel highlights obstacles -Akshaya Mukul
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The National Monitoring Committee for midday meal (MDM) scheme that met on Tuesday was told there are areas of serious concerns with the flagship programme. For instance, it was pointed out there is unavailability of eating plates in most of the schools. Report by various monitoring institutions (MIs) also said there is a delay in delivering cooking costs from state to school, cook-cum-helpers were getting irregular...
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