-The Hindu FM allocates Rs.48,000 crore for MGNREGA; says it will be brought under digital scrutiny The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), once described by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a “living monument of the UPA’s failure,” got its highest ever allocation — Rs.48,000 crore — since its inception over a decade ago. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, however, indicated that the funds dispensed would come under increased digital scrutiny. “The...
Nice To See NREGA Trending. But Urgent Fixes Needed. -Reetika Khera
-NDTV The "highest ever allocation" to NREGA (which also led to it trending on Twitter) in the Union Budget has provided a useful opportunity to raise some pressing issues related to the implementation of the scheme. It is natural, and welcome, that the government turn to NREGA to provide much-needed relief to those whose already precarious lives have been disrupted by demonetization, a man-made economic disaster. Widespread reports of job losses...
More »Union Budget and the agrarian crisis -MS Swaminathan
-Deccan Chronicle Arun Jaitley has reiterated the government’s resolve to help farmers double their income in another four years. Keeping in view the problems faced by farm families, who comprise over 60 per cent of our population, the finance minister Arun Jaitley has reiterated the government’s resolve to help farmers double their income in another four years. The various measures suggested for doubling income include distribution of soil health cards, promotion of more crop per drop,...
More »How land use affects climate change -Sujatha Byravan
-The Hindu The interaction between people and land is as old as human evolution. When early hunter-gatherers started to settle down in the Neolithic transition and practise agriculture, they began to change their relationship with land in a major way. Starting with the Holocene, approximately 11,500 years ago, many plants were domesticated for agriculture. These and the associated social and technological changes led to dense human settlements that then paved the...
More »Mihir Shah Committee report recommends a paradigm shift in water management
Against the backdrop of drought that affected most states in the past 2 years, it is essential to take a look at a report on improving water governance in the country, which was submitted to the Ministry of Water Resources in July, 2016. That report, which was prepared by the Committee on Restructuring the Central Water Commission (CWC) and Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) under the chairpersonship of Dr. Mihir...
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