This time in Uttar Pradesh, panchayat elections — the first phase starts Monday — are being fought with an intensity never seen before. Eight persons have already died in poll-related violence over the past 15 days. All the trappings of a typical poll are there — hoardings; free flow of liquor, money and clothes for voters; and candidates moving about in SUVs. “So much money and violence was seen neither in the...
Kejriwal recommends more powers for Gram Sabhas
Prepares a model amendment draft for Goa Panchayati Raj Draft amendments to be debated Clear division of functions, assets proposed Right to Information activist Arvind Kejriwal has suggested a series of powers to strengthen the Gram Sabhas including decision making powers about village affairs and a right to recall Sarpanch for failing to function according to decisions of the Gram Sabha. In a model amendment draft for the Goa Panchayati Raj already put in...
More »All You Need To Arpita Basu and Neha Bhatt
The youth will not take no for an answer. Five years on, the RTI comes of age. At four feet something, Santosh’s energy belies her petite frame. The school dropout was introduced to RTI through activist Arvind Kejriwal, and now, at Parivartan’s Sundar Nagri office, she holds fort, helping others acquire everything from BPL and ration cards to school admissions through RTI. Threats and attacks by local authorities who dubbed her...
More »RBI for timely payment of rural job scheme workers by KA Gupta
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is to consider a proposal for opening of weekly branches in unbanked panchayats in the state. Gumla is one among the 16 districts, which have been classified as under-banked districts in the state. Delay in disbursing wages under MGNREGA and executing other welfare schemes will now be sorted out by reaching banking services to hitherto unbanked areas and new measures have also been initiated. Before the...
More »In UP panchayat polls, lure of NREGA money fuels contest by Virendra Nath Bhatt
Elsewhere, people may be obsessed with the Commonwealth Games, but games of a different kind are being played in UP villages these days. Panchayat elections in UP are round the corner and these are being fought with an intensity not seen before. The poll are still three days away and at least eight persons have lost their lives in the last 15 days in the polls-related violence. Hoardings dot countryside; feasts...
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