-The Times of India NEW DELHI: A countrywide survey of the society's perception of the vulnerability of the elderly, in terms of their human rights, has revealed that most people believe that the police and the judicial system have given them no relief. Most people, especially the youth (below 35 years of age), believe that police is not sensitive towards older persons and issues concerning old age. And almost 60% of...
Onion prices: another case of the great Indian paradox-Pramit Bhattacharya
-Live Mint The absence of genuine competition at mandis and numerous transaction charges are distorting onion prices The joke doing the rounds today is that the spike in onion prices has been a great equalizer, bringing parity between the price of a bottle of beer and a kilo of onion. The humble vegetable has also found pride of place as a gift item to customers at a tyre shop in Jamshedpur,...
More »Irrational poverty figures -Devinder Sharma
-Deccan Herald My house help asked me the other day: "Sahib ji, TV news tells me those earning more than Rs 1,000 a month are not poor. How can this be true? Although I am earning Rs 5,000 every month working at your home, I mop up your floor and wash your dishes. If I was rich why should I be doing cleaning job here?" Mohan used to be a helper in...
More »Brittle supply chain leads to soaring vegetable prices -Sandip Das and Subhomoy Bhattacharjee
-The Indian Express Despite the scare scenario painted for production trends for key vegetables, it turns out that there is no dip in availability. This includes onion, whose prices have flared in the past few weeks. data from the past two years compared with that for the current year indicates that the problem for the four vegetables that have a pan-India presence - onion, tomato, brinjal, potato - is because of logistics...
More »July inflation accelerates to 5.79%: Government
-PTI NEW DELHI: Rising prices of onions and other vegetables pushed inflation to a five-month high of 5.79 per cent in July even as the government and RBI battled to stabilise the rupee. Inflation based on the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) was at 4.86 per cent in June. In July 2012, it was 7.52 per cent. The July number is above the Reserve Bank's comfort level of 4-5 per cent inflation. This is...
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