-The Times of India NEW delhi: India is often dubbed as the hub of human trafficking in Asia, especially those of children and young women for slavery and prostitution. Now for the first time, the government is bringing together all states, enforcement and intelligence agencies, paramilitary forces engaged in border areas in the eastern region, NGOs and other stakeholders to discuss a solution to end the menace. Over 600 officers from Centre/states...
Limits of the SECC Data
-Economic and Political Weekly This is not "big data" to be used to cut down welfare expenditure. It was the Ministry of Rural Development which, for close to five years beginning in 2010, designed, planned and oversaw the execution of the 2011 Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC), whose first batch of results were released earlier this month. Yet, it was somewhat unusual to see Union Minister for Finance, Arun Jaitley, rather...
More »CAG finds financial irregularity, poor quality blight mid-day meal scheme -Akshaya Mukul
-The Times of India NEW delhi: CAG's performance audit report of Mid-Day Meal has not only found financial mismanagement by the HRD ministry but it has also discovered states having indulged in diversion of funds to the tune of Rs 123.29 crore meant for the scheme. But what the CAG found most disturbing is the total disregard to quality of meal being given to children. The system of involving mothers in the...
More »16 deaths every hour: Indian roads claim the maximum number of lives in 2014 -Dipak K Dash
-The Times of India NEW delhi: Indian roads were at their deadliest in 2014 claiming more than 16 lives every hour on average. Over 1.41 lakh people died in crashes, 3% more than the number of fatalities in 2013. The numbers of crashes and of people left injured were also the highest levels since the recording of such data started in India—at 4.5 lakh and 4.8 lakh respectively. According to the latest data...
More »Govt panel wants women in live-ins to get maintenance -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India NEW delhi: In a move to put the rights of women in live-in relationships and single independent daughters on a legally firmer footing, an expert committee set up the Centre has recommended an amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) to ensure their rightful claim to maintenance. The report is expected to be discussed at an inter-ministerial meeting on Monday. The Pam Rajput Committee report, recently submitted to...
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