-TheWire.in New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that politicians cannot seek votes on the grounds of caste, creed or religion. The landmark judgment came while the court revisited a judgment from 1995 that equated Hindutva with Hinduism and called it a “way of life” and said a candidate was not necessarily violating the law if votes were sought on this plank. Several petitions filed over the years have challenged that verdict....
Pronab Sen, Country director of the International Growth Centre, interviewed by Ajaz Ashraf
-Scroll.in India’s first chief statistician, Pronab Sen, is now country director of the International Growth Centre, which seeks to build effective growth facilities THRough engagement between policymakers and researchers. In this interview to Scroll.in, he speaks on the 50 days of demonetisation, its failings, its severe impact on the poor, the loss of credibility of the Reserve Bank of India, the push to make India a cashless or less-cash economy, and...
More »Why a Parliamentary Act - or ordinance - is needed for demonetisation -Pratik Datta & Rajeswari Sengupta
-Scroll.in Without it demonetisation would be legal, but the RBI would continue to remain under a legal obligation to keep on exchanging the old notes with new ones. On November 8, 2016 the Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes were “demonetised”. This move has raised THRee interesting legal questions. Writ petitions have been filed across the country challenging the legality of demonetisation. Petitions are pending before High Courts of Kerala, Bombay, Delhi,...
More »Why Anupam Mishra was our water guru -Umesh Anand
-CivilSocietyOnline.com The thirteenth anniversary issue of Civil Society with the Hall of Fame 2016 was out from the press and I had gone to Anupam Mishra’s home to give him a copy. He looked at the picture of Uncle Moosa on the cover and said: “Yeh aadmi apne chhote kaam se kitna kush hai. Iska kurta bhi khush hai!” It was Anupam Mishra’s trademark humour, delivered with his customary mellifluous touch. But...
More »Arhar pinches, this time for farmers! -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express For farmers, the main source of their woes is a bumper crop. If 2015 was the year of arhar (pigeon-pea) – retail prices of the milled dal scaled Rs 180-200 per kg levels in October and contributed hugely to the Bharatiya Janata Party’s defeat in the Bihar Assembly polls – 2016 is set to close with the humble legume virtually disappearing from the public radar. The new crop, which has...
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