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Delhi parents use RTE to send kids to a closer school -Shreya Roy Chowdhury

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: To hear the students describe it, the near-7km journey to secondary school in Tughlaqabad is an odyssey beset with a variety of dangers - errant auto-walas, major roads with heavy traffic, sexual harassment. Many opt out. Nearly 1,400 complete fifth grade from two municipal primary schools in I and F2 blocks of Sangam Vihar every year, and, till last session, nearly 500 would drop out...

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Vinod Rai, Comptroller & Auditor General interviewed by The Business Standard

-The Business Standard Comptroller & Auditor General Vinod Rai, who has put the government on the mat several times in the past three years, says an auditor is meant to be adversarial. On the sidelines of the inauguration of the International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable development in Jaipur on Saturday, Rai, whose term as the CAG ends on May 22, spoke to journalists about his stint, retirement plans and...

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Other nations can emulate DBT scheme, says ADB-Ashok Dasgupta

-The Hindu   "I think it is a great effort, we are learning a lot from India" Even as India's Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) is yet to be fully implemented under its second phase, the government's flagship programme on distribution of entitlements to the poor came in for praise by the Asian development Bank (ADB). At a media conference on Saturday on the sidelines of the ADB's ongoing annual meeting at Greater Noida near...

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State must follow Act for forest rights of tribals: HC

-The Indian Express Ahmedabad: The Gujarat High Court on Friday ordered the state government to strictly adhere to the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of) Forest Rights Act, 2006, and the rules framed thereafter under this central Act. The order came on a public interest litigation (PIL) by a group of NGOs, which said the state government was violating the provisions of the Act in deciding the claims of...

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Political parties use RTI to take on rivals -Nidhi Sharma

-The Economic Times The Right to Information is no more an aid for the common man. It is fast becoming a potent political tool. Congress has made it its weapon of choice to take on the state governments in Odisha, UP and Punjab while BJP fought its land acquisition battle in Noida last year armed with information collected fromRTI applications. It isn't the Opposition parties alone that politicians gun for. Congress...

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