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The plight of the peasant by AK Shiva Kumar

The glitter of growth has added little sparkle to the lives of many peasants and rural workers. Deprivation, discrimination, and disadvantage dominate the everyday lives of large sections in rural Andhra Pradesh, an important new study*finds.  Village studies highlight features of society that are often overlooked and overshadowed by macro-studies of the economy. A recent study presents extraordinarily rich, unusually detailed and intensely disturbing data on agrarian relations, livelihoods, economic...

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Plane with life-saving drugs arrives in Imphal by Iboyaima Laithangbam

A military plane landed at the Tulihal airport here on Monday morning with 700 cartons of life-saving drugs from Guwahati. Life-saving drugs and many essential items became scarce in Manipur following a 41-day economic blockade imposed by Naga tribal students on two major highways. Routine surgeries were suspended in government and private hospitals due to lack of medical gas. Official sources said another plane was ready to airlift medical gas and...

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Peasants in India by D Bandyopadhyay

In India peasantry is under assault. There is a five-pronged attack on this class and the mighty Indian state is sometimes an active and sometimes a passive abettor. The first point of attack is from the corporate sector. The corporate sector is in a land grab mode. Though not justified, one could understand their urge to get land for industry and real estate purposes. Not that they are causing aggressive...

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The Land Bank Ledger by Sugata Srinivasaraju

The Karnataka government is getting ready to host the Global Investors Meet (3- 4 June). A similar jamboree held some years ago, when S M Krishna was chief minister, had been a resounding flop, but this one, the government believes, would be a runaway success. There has been no dearth of publicity for the event in the media and there has been no shortage of roadshows on foreign soil. A...

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Protests stall public hearing on Jaitapur nuclear project by Meena Menon

Three affected villages did not receive copies of the environmental impact assessment report  Despite it being Akshaya Trithiya, more than 1,000 people turned up for the hearing About 2,300 people have lost land to the project Angry protests stalled a public hearing of the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project (JNPP) at Madban village in Maharashtra on Sunday. Only after officials acknowledged their mistake of not providing copies of the environmental impact assessment (EIA)...

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