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Draft Food Bill likely to go to Cabinet by December 10: KV Thomas

-PTI   Food Minister K V Thomas today said the draft Food Security Bill is expected to go to Cabinet by December 10 to pave the way for its introduction in the ongoing Winter Session of Parliament. "We have asked the government departments to send their comments on the draft Food Security Bill by December 1. After this, it is expected to go to the Union Cabinet by December 10," Thomas, whose...

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Don't blame MGNREGA by Shubhashis Gangopadhyay

Those who see a direct link between wage inflation and the employment guarantee scheme need to think again Rural wage rates have been rising at quite a fast rate in recent months. Farmers have been complaining about their inability to get cheap labour for their farms. Industry, too, has raised the alarm saying that this is squeezing their margins; higher rural wages mean fewer people are willing to work on construction...

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PM Manmohan Singh got past a split cabinet to push retail FDI by Shekhar Iyer

It wasn't just a vocal opposition that was against the Cabinet's decision to allow 51% foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail business. The cabinet itself was split down the middle, which had an animated — even heated — debate on the pros and cons of opening up a sector that was so far considered politically too sensitive for farmers, small traders and consumers. Finally it took the prime minister to...

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Mart liberalisation scales Trinamul wall

-The Telegraph   The cabinet today unlocked the retail market for foreign direct investment, braving the Trinamul Congress’s objections but assuring Mamata Banerjee earlier in the day that state governments would have enough leeway to protect the interests of farmers. The most significant of today’s decisions is the clearance to 51 per cent foreign investment in multi-brand retail, which will allow the entry of giants that are already household names in a country...

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FDI in retail: Uproar in Parliament

-PTI Government decision to allow FDI in retail saw uproar in both Houses of Parliament, with ruling UPA ally Trinamool Congress leading the charge and the entire opposition joining them. Soon after Speaker Meira Kumar condemned the attack on agriculture minister Sharad Pawar, Trinamool Congress members rushed near the well of the Lok Sabha demanding cancellation of the decision of the Union Cabinet to allow 51 per cent FDI in multi-brand retail...

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