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In India, Wal-Mart Goes to the Farm by Vikas Bajaj

At first glance, the vegetable patches in this north Indian village look no different from the many small, spare farms that dot the country. But up close, visitors can see some curious experiments: insect traps made with reusable plastic bags; bamboo poles helping bitter gourd grow bigger and straighter; and seedlings germinating from plastic trays under a fine net. These are low-tech innovations, to be sure. But they are crucial...

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‘FCI leaves wheat to rot in open' by Neena Vyas

The Bharatiya Janata Party has demanded the setting up of a parliamentary committee to look into the alleged neglect by the Food Corporation of India as 72 lakh tonnes of wheat is rotting, having been kept in open warehouses for over a year. A surprise visit by the former BJP president, Rajnath Singh, and partymen to warehouses in Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh revealed “criminal neglect” by FCI authorities. Samples...

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How to feed your billionaires by P Sainath

Freebies for the IPL — at a time of savage food subsidy cuts for the poor — benefit four men who make the Forbes Billionaire List of 2010 and a few other, mere multi-millionaires.  And so the IPL fracas is now heading for its own Champions League. Union Cabinet Ministers, Union Ministers of State, Chief Ministers (and who knows a Governor or two might pop up yet) are being named...

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Disability provision won't apply to private firms, says Court by J Venkatesan

The provision on non-discrimination under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 will not apply to private employers, whether individuals, partnerships, proprietary concerns or companies (other than government companies) or unaided schools, the Supreme Court has held. According to Section 47 ‘Non-discrimination in government employment', no establishment shall dispense with, or reduce in rank, an employee who acquires a disability during his service: Provided...

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Female infanticide affects sex ratio in Punjab by Vrinda Sharma

“She was thrown in the garbage dump outside the village for dogs that ate her. Her only fault — she was the fourth girl born in a poor family,” said Harshinder Kaur, paediatric doctor here, recalling the first time she witnessed discrimination against female infants in Punjab's rural side. “Over a decade ago, I couldn't save that infant and ever since I try to speak for the girls who never...

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