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Madhya Pradesh boosts PDS flour fortification project - Shashikant Trivedi

With the highest child malnutrition rate in the world, Madhya Pradesh needs to revise its food system if things are to be changed for the better. Officially, more than 56 per cent of ration cards are fake in the state, believed to have been issued by low-rank officials to cultivate benefits. The state food and civil supplies department is looking at institutions like GAIN, a Swiss foundation created at a special session...

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Madhya Pradesh boosts PDS flour fortification project by Shashikant Trivedi

Officially, more than 56 per cent of ration cards are fake in the state, believed to have been issued by low-rank officials to cultivate benefits. The state food and civil supplies department is looking at institutions like GAIN, a Swiss foundation created at a special session of United Nations General Assembly on Children in 2002, to ensure the supply of nutritious foods to the locals. As a solution to bribery at...

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Middle class underestimates child mortality rates: survey by Aarti Dhar

Nearly 2 million children under five die every year of easily treatable diseases One-third of all malnourished children live in India “No real pressure for action because of lack of awareness” Eight out of 10 people among the middle class do not know that nearly two million children under five die every year of diseases and conditions that are easily treatable and preventable, says a new survey. The Global Movement for Children, a coalition...

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Start a hungama by Manoj Kumar

It’s a silent epidemic that we’ve never been able to put a finger on. In debates on food security, the issues of hunger and malnutrition have always been add-ons. But for millions, getting the next meal is the difference between life and death. Four-year-old Akash Sahariya can barely stand up. His bleached hair, distended belly and matchstick arms are harbingers of certain death that awaits him. He is the fourth...

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India Tries Using Cash Bonuses to Slow Birthrates by Jim Yardley

Sunita Laxman Jadhav is a door-to-door saleswoman who sells waiting. She sweeps along muddy village lanes in her nurse’s white sari, calling on newly married couples with an unblushing proposition: Wait two years before getting pregnant, and the government will thank you. It also will pay you. “I want to tell you about our honeymoon package,” began Ms. Jadhav, an auxiliary nurse, during a recent house call on a new bride in...

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