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Subsidy schemes could delay direct cash transfer plan -Banikinkar Pattanayak

-The Financial Express The massive scale and complexity of major subsidy schemes are likely to delay the ambitious plan of limiting state subsidy on Food, fertiliser and petroleum products only to the poor by directly transferring cash to their bank accounts using a unique identity number (Aadhaar). While other cash payments like pension, scholarship, wage under rural job guarantee scheme can be transferred directly to the beneficiary’s bank account, it is difficult...

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65% Foodgrains of central pool lying in open in Haryana

-The Economic Times CHANDIGARH: Haryana government's claims of creating more space for storage of Food stock are being questioned as over 65% wheat and rice stock of central pool is kept in the open in the state. With the Centre yet to lift 39.36 lakh tonne grains procured between 2009 and 2011, there is no space for paddy arriving and wheat expected to arrive after three months. "The Food secretary has already assured...

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New Food security scheme for the poor from Dec. 15 -Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar

-The Hindu Initially two lakh Delhi families to be paid Rs. 600 per month United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi has been urged by Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit to inaugurate the Dilli Annashree Yojana Food security scheme under which initially about two lakh families would be paid a sum of Rs. 600 per month from December 15. The Delhi Government, which had set aside Rs. 150 crore for this scheme in its...

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State criticised for ICDS -Sayli Udas Mankikar

-The Hindustan Times The Maharashtra chapter of the central government's flagship Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) has criticised the state government for lack of transparency in the contract allocation process, saying it was done to favour the same vested parties.   The principal adviser of the office of commissioner Biraj Patnaik, who drafted the reports, expressed the need for the institution of a Special Investigation Team to investigate the matter. Hindustan Times, on Saturday,...

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Serving up a better alternative for mother and child -Poongothai Aladi Aruna

-The Hindu The U.S. special supplement scheme for women, infants and children to prevent undernutrition is a model that India can learn from India’s economic growth over the last 15 years, and the growing size of the middle class, have become a source of attraction for international investors, especially in the retail Food industry. However, the gap between the rich and the poor has only widened: nearly 40 per cent of the...

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