-Press release by Right to Food Campaign, dated 11th August, 2020 Although One Nation One Ration Card has been projected as a solution to the food insecurity problems that mobile or floating populations face, there are some serious problems associated with the scheme, such as exclusion errors, etc. Instead of the ONOR scheme, the government should universalise the public distribution system (PDS) and open community kitchens in urban areas. Please click here...
Punjab: Dalit Village 'Misled' by Govt to Hand Over Panchayat Land for Industrial Park -Vivek Gupta
-TheWire.in As one village prepares to take the government to court, another claims panchayat land reserved for scheduled castes was auctioned by proxy to ‘upper caste’ families. Chandigarh: One-and-a-half months ago, Amrik Kaur, sarpanch of village Sekhowal in Ludhiana district, was asked to attend a meeting at the Ludhiana deputy commissioner’s office. There, she was asked to give her consent for the transfer of a portion of the village common (shamlat) land...
More »Nutrition should not be forgotten in the face of pandemic -Rahat Tasneem
-Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability Despite considerable progress made over the decade, India still carries the burden of undernutrition with 38.4, 21, and 35.8 per cent of children under five facing stunting, wasting, and underweight respectively, more than 50 per cent of children and women being anaemic, and 31.5 per cent of women having less than normal body mass index (BMI). Interventions by the government to combat undernutrition are covered under...
More »Covid-19: Why is India doing worse than other South Asian countries? -CP Chandraskhar and Jayati Ghosh
-The Hindu Business Line/ NetworkIdeas.org Now that India has already overtaken Brazil among countries with the most number of Covid-19 positive cases and is on the verge of even beating the USA, it’s worth trying to understand what has led to this inability to control the pandemic in India. One of the arguments often made is that India, being a developing country with a large poor population engaged in informal work,...
More »Gaon Connection Survey: Rural India faced insurmountable sufferings during COVID-19 lockdown; 74% of respondents satisfied with Modi government
-Gaon Connection Gaon Connection brings to you the unseen face of the other India – rural India – with the first-of-its-kind national survey on the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on rural India. In a first-of-its-kind national survey on the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on rural India, Gaon Connection, India’s largest rural media platform, has documented the untold miseries rural citizens faced during the lockdown, ranging from mounting debts, increasing hunger,...
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