-The Times of India Strong control over morphine — a highly effective painkiller that has left millions of Indians in needless pain — has left India red-faced on the global stage. Calling use of opioid analgesics like morphine "sub-optimal" in India, the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday asked India to immediately reassess regulatory requirements on the dispensing of essential medicines like morphine to ensure their wider availability and accessibility besides sensitizing...
Who moved my poverty report? (Please save your copy fast)
Remember Arjun Sengupta Committee Report? It’s the same report which put paid to government’s shifting poverty estimates by asserting that almost 80% Indian survive on less than Rs 20 per day. Known as the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector (NCEUS), the report has gone missing from the public domain. The official website of NCEUS is no more working: http://nceus.gov.in, raising doubts regarding someone, somewhere trying to hide...
More »Progress achieved in India highlights benefits of quotas for women, says UN official
-The United Nations A top United Nations official today strongly encouraged governments to adopt special temporary measures, such as quotas, to boost the number of women in parliament and decision-making positions, pointing to the progress achieved by women in India as a result of affirmative action. “Here in India, quotas have spurred one of the world’s greatest successes in women’s empowerment and grassroots democracy,” Michelle Bachelet said in her keynote address to...
More »A dangerous intervention
-The Business Standard Skimmed milk powder 'buffer' might raise prices The government’s proposal that a buffer stock of skimmed milk powder (SMP) be created in order to minimise volatility in milk prices is so unsound a proposition that it should be shelved. The proposal, sent to the inter-ministerial group on inflation by the food ministry, involves keeping a reserve stock of SMP with milk-processing units by offering them a handsome subsidy. The...
More »For universal Health coverage, Plan Panel to train quacks -Abantika Ghosh
-The Indian Express The Planning Commission has proposed to train registered medical practitioners, commonly referred to as quacks, to ensure universal Health coverage reaches even the remote populations. “Affordability, accessibility and quality are three pillars of UHC. The challenge is to fill the gaps especially in rural areas where there is a problem of trained manpower. We would like to train traditional midwives and RMPs — some people call them jholawala doctors...
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