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RTE Forum condemns Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012 passed by the Lok Sabha

-Press Statement from Right to Education Forum Lok Sabha has passed today Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012 and allowed work for children below the age of 14 years in family enterprises is a regressive move. RTE Forum, a coalition of ten thousand grass-root organizations, people’s movement, educationists and teachers organizations, has said that&NBSp; “Today is black day for the millions of Indian children; they will now be deprived...

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Farmers take a liking to pulses this Kharif season -Madhvi Sally

-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Farmers in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat are planting pulses this kharif season, largely urad, arhar and moong because of better prices and concerns of cotton crop failure in North West India, while in Gujarat it was delay in monsoon rains, say farmers. The area under pulses rose to 26.9% from the past week and 39.39% over the previous year in the same period to 90.17 lakh...

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UP, Bihar lead in crimes against Dalits -Vikas Pathak and G Sampath

-The Hindu Data from Gujarat show such atrocities impossibly make up 163% of the total number of crimes. Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Bihar lead the country in the number of cases registered of crimes against the Scheduled Castes, official data pertaining to 2013, 2014 and 2015 show. The National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) counts these States among those deserving special attention. While U.P. has witnessed a political war of words over an expelled...

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New entrants in India's middle class: Drivers, carpenters, pani puri vendors -Hemali Chhapia

-The Times of India MUMBAI: India's middle class has seen new entrants. Pani puri vendors, dosa sellers, carpenters, welders, launderers, drivers and cable TV technicians have all pulled themselves out of the clutches of poverty and leapt into a section of the middle class — the bedrock of the economy. A paper titled 'The Rise of the New Middle Class and the Role of Offshoring of Services', co-authored by the head of...

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Reaping distress -Jayati Ghosh

-Frontline The inability to resolve pressing problems with respect to the production, distribution and availability of food is one of the important failures of the entire economic reform process. IN the fateful month of July 1991, when the devaluation of the Indian rupee presaged the introduction of a whole series of liberalising economic reforms, agriculture was very far from the minds of most policymakers and commentators. The immediate focus was on...

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