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Tribals have lost their farmlands over the century -KD Singh

The marginalisation of tribals in the last few decades has been enormous. Tribals have lost out in agriculture, and their forests also stand depleted, writes KD Singh In 2006, the Prime Minister described the Maoist threat as “the single biggest internal security challenge ever faced by the country” and suggested development in insurgency-affected regions as the key remedy. In 2009, the Union Government announced a new nationwide initiative, the ‘Integrated Action...

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A disquieting polemic against academic autonomy-Neeladri Bhattacharya

The thrust of Prabhat Patnaik's argument (“Parliament's say extends to the classroom,” The Hindu , May 22, 2012) is clear. It is to declare illegitimate the arguments against government action on the recent textbook controversy. What is this hullabaloo about, Patnaik seems to be saying: what is under threat is not the status of critical pedagogy in the textbooks but the jurisdiction of the Parliament. The larger argument within Patnaik's polemic...

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Nursery schools will also be part of RTE

-DNA Though Right to Education (RTE) act caters to the educational needs of children aged between 6 and 14 years, Karnataka has decided to also BRIng in pre-school students under its ambit. Unaided educational institutions that have pre-school facility, must implement the act from pre-school (LKG) level. Moreover, even at this level the state government has also decided to reimburse a part of the fee to the schools. The education department has issued...

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Govt to amend forest Act for tribal rights-Nitin Sethi

The tribal affairs ministry is moving fast to amend the Forest Rights Act and BRIng about changes in rules that would make it easier for traditional forest dwellers to get their rightful claim over forest lands and more difficult for the industry to use the green patches without the former's nod. The move comes with the central government recording serious flaws in the implementation of the Act across the country. As...

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CM admits land clog in industry-Arnab Ganguly

Mamata Banerjee today said private investors “are staying away from Bengal because land is not available for them”. However, she laid stress on the importance of public sector projects — the state has attracted some — saying “public sector investment is also investment”. The chief minister, whose government’s hands-off policy on land acquisition has so far acted as a deterrent for private industry, said at a railway programme in Hooghly’s Dankuni: “The...

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