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Through the Lens of a Constitutional Republic The Case of the Controversial Textbook by Peter Ronald deSouza

The textbook controversy is an opportunity for us to explore some of our core constitutional principles, especially the relationship between Parliament and freedom of expression. Parliament is certainly the space to discuss complaints of “offensive material” but should exercise its option of withdrawal of the textbooks in the “last instance” not in the “first instance” as has been done in this case. Peter Ronald deSouza ( is the director of the...

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Politics and Pedagogy The NCERT Texts and Cartoons by Valerian Rodrigues

School texts that teach young minds that politics is a contentious and critical but reasonable activity, that it is not merely a set of demands and commands, and that politicians have to be responsive and accountable are naturally disliked by the political class. This is the tone of all the Political Science textbooks of Standards IX-XI brought out after 2006. The nurturing of a culture of critical public opinion seems...

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The Constitution, Cartoons and Controversies Contextualising the Debates by Kumkum Roy

A close reading of the Political Science textbook shows that it is complex, moves beyond pat answers, and treats the Constitution as a living document. It was produced in the light of the National Curriculum Framework 2005, which in itself was a major attempt to democratise education, and reverse the National Curriculum Framework 2000 which was casteist and sexist. Kumkum Roy ( is with the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru...

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Quality Constraints in Education Fallout of the Cartoon Controversy by Krishna Kumar

It needs pensive reflection to understand how an organisation whose name is perhaps the most widely recognised public sector brand across the length and breadth of India could become the target of so much instant anger and contempt in the highest legislative forum of the republic. Krishna Kumar ( teaches education at Delhi University. The cyclone that hit Parliament on 11 and 14 May over the so-called cartoon controversy indicates, among other...

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Trapped after being forced to say 'I do'-Aruna Kashyap

Punitive measures against girls forced into child marriages should not find a place in government policies, programmes and practices Child BRIdes are not criminals. They cannot be compared to children accused of committing crimes. Anyone who hears a story of a girl forced into marriage before she turned 18 will tell you that she had little choice in the matter. In fact, under Indian law, children convicted as juveniles cannot be...

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