-Livemint.com * The retail prices of onions spiked to Rs.70- Rs.80 earlier this week * Floods in key onion-producing states of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and others have hurt supplies New Delhi: The government has banned export of onions with immediate effect to check spiraling prices which touched Rs.70- Rs.80 per kg in the open market. The ban covers all varieties of onions. The Directorate General of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Commerce...
Institutions weakened, economy crippled -M Suresh Babu
-The Hindu The credibility of the RBI, the CSO and the Niti Aayog has taken a beating in recent times due to political interference Nobel laureate Oliver Williamson pondered over an important question, around 25 years ago: “Why are the ambitions of economic development practitioners and reformers so often disappointed?” According to him, “one answer is that development policymakers and reformers are congenital optimists. Another answer is that good plans are regularly...
More »India's generous maternity leave policy fails to cover 99% of women who need it -Manavi Kapur
-Scroll.in/ qz.com Adapted from the West, the law applies only to women working in companies with at least 10 employees. A mere 1.3% working women fit that criterion. Working mothers-to-be in India have it better than most of their developed-world peers, but the country’s maternity laws may be just token gestures. In 2017, the country passed the Maternity (Amendment) Bill that increased the right to paid maternity leave for working women from 12 weeks...
More »Critical data on India's higher education is out but only Modi has hijacked headlines -Yogendra Yadav
-ThePrint.in When you put the reports by HRD ministry and CMIE survey together, you are looking at a simmering volcano. While Indians were busy celebrating the country’s global triumph and commiserating about its terrestrial adventures, two important reports went almost unnoticed. The eighth annual All India Survey on Higher Education 2018-19 was released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development last week. It coincided with the release of four-monthly report ‘Unemployment in...
More »Exorcising third-degree -Maja Daruwala
-The Indian Express Torture is an endemic characteristic of Indian policing. A commitment to eradicating it requires the police force as a whole to have zero tolerance for the practice besides a specific anti-torture law The home minister’s recent pronouncement that the days of third-degree torture are gone is extraordinarily welcome. His announcement is as much a signal to the security forces to lay off this practice as it is an acknowledgment...
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