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MGNREGA has already used up half its annual funds

-The Hindu The study noted that wages in the scheme are 25-30% lower than the minimum wages for agricultural workers in most States. One-third of the way through the financial year, government data shows that the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) scheme has used up almost half its allocated funds, spending more than ₹48,500 crore out of the expanded ₹1 lakh crore allocation announced following the COVID-19 outbreak. A new...

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Intensity of Indian monsoon may decline due to rapid warming of Bay of Bengal, says new study -Gerard de Souza

-Hindustan Times The study is significant as it reviewed the under sediment cores derived from the Krishna Godavari basin of the Bay of Bengal to understand how the monsoon rainfall pattern has changed in the past 2,000 years. Warming of Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean is likely to weaken the India monsoon further in the near future, which could be accentuated by land mass changes across the country, says a...

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A unique online event during August 9-10, 2020 to celebrate the diverse cultural traditions and heritage of India's indigenous people

-Press released by Lok Samvad Sansthan (Jaipur), Rupayan Sansthan (Jodhpur) and All India Media Conference (AIMC), dated August 2nd, 2020 Jaipur: A two-day virtual streaming of infotainment educational event for ‘Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Diverse Cultural Traditions of India’ will be held through a webinar during August 9-10, 2020 from the desert museum of Arna Jharna, Jodhpur. Please click here to register yourself for the webinar/ event. On the occasion...

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Classroom Demonstration, Interview Must For Selection Of Teachers

-NDTV Classroom demonstration or interview will be an essential criterion for selecting teachers in schools, according to the new National Education Policy (NEP), which was launched on July 29. New Delhi: Classroom demonstration or interview will be an essential criterion for selection of teachers in schools, according to the new National Education Policy (NEP), which was launched on July 29. “To gauge passion and motivation for teaching, a classroom demonstration or interview will...

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Food Consumption Trends Point at Real Income Decline Before Pandemic -Prabhat Patnaik Why has there been a tendency toward persistent ‘excess supply’ in the foodgrain market when growth rate of foodgrain output has barely exceeded the population growth rate? The pandemic and the lockdown are certainly causing an absolute shrinkage in the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Indian economy. But these tend to obscure something very serious that was happening even earlier, namely, a real income decline for vast numbers of working...

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