Chief minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy has decided to enhance the daily wages under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (Nrega) to Rs 121 from the existing Rs 100. The job card holders who have completed the existing maximum limit of 100 days of employment under Nrega A will also now be employed for an additional 25 days. A decision to this effect was taken by Reddy at a review meeting. Crop...
Suicides rise among MP farmers by Lalit Shastri
The farmers in Madhya Pradesh are feeling devastated and over a half-a-dozen of them have even committed suicide in a short span of time in different parts of the state. In the last one month, farmers have committed suicide in villages across Bhopal, Sehore, Chhindwara, Damoh, and Sagar districts. The farmers’ plight had surfaced in a big way when thousands of farmers under the banner of Bharatiya Kisan Sangh had converged...
More »Panel team to probe farmers’ suicide in Orissa
The Centre has decided to send a team of the Planning Commission to the State to find out the reason behind large number farmer suicides. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told this to a group of Youth Congress leaders from the State, led by president Pradip Majhi, who met him in Delhi on Saturday. The delegation told the Prime Minister that more than 2,000 farmers had committed suicide in Orissa during last 10...
More »Rising farmer suicides affect primary sector by Shashikant Trivedi
In economic terms, it may sound vague that agricultural advances are touching Rs 30,000 crore when incidences of farmers committing suicide are on the rise in Madhya Pradesh. Over the last fortnight, three farmers have committed suicide and another is battling for life. State authorities are lending a deaf ear to the going-abouts. Against the banking details of a farmer, Shivprasad, who committed suicide on January 8 reportedly due to debt-strain,...
More »Digvijay blames MP government for farmers' suicide
Condemning the BJP-led Madhya Pradesh government for the continued suicides by farmers in the state, Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh on Thursday said the 'insensitive behaviour' of the state government was forcing farmers to take the extreme step. In a statement issued on Thursday, Singh said that "because of the state government's insensitive behaviour, farmers were losing patience and being forced to take the extreme step of ending their lives." Seven farmers...
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