-The Hindu Initially two lakh Delhi families to be paid Rs. 600 per month United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi has been urged by Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit to inaugurate the Dilli Annashree Yojana food security scheme under which initially about two lakh families would be paid a sum of Rs. 600 per month from December 15. The Delhi Government, which had set aside Rs. 150 crore for this scheme in its...
Government's cash transfer: old wine in new bottle -Chetan Chauhan
-The Hindustan Times The direct cash transfer in 42 schemes to start from next year is old wine in new bottle with beneficiaries under these schemes already receiving money directly into their bank accounts. Finance minister P Chidambaram and rural development minister Jairam Ramesh on Tuesday announced that money under these 42 schemes of the central government would be transferred directly into bank accounts of beneficiaries in 51 districts from next January. The list...
More »Cash subsidy transfer is not a magic wand but people will get purchasing power: Expert -Joseph John
-The Times of India RAIPUR: Expert in public policy and capacity building T R Raghunandan, a former IAS officer of Karnataka Cadre, said on Thursday that transfer of cash subsidy to the beneficiaries was not a "magic wand" but it could help create purchasing power among the masses in the respective areas. Speaking at the media capacity building workshop, organised by the centre and the UN joint programme on convergence here, he...
More »Why direct cash transfer shouldn’t be used to kill the PDS -G Pramod Kumar
-First Post If we are willing to believe the best practice examples of cash transfers from Brazil and Philippines, and trust the UPA on the fact that their cash-for-subsidy is going to be all hunky-dory, we also have a right to believe Sitaram Yechury’s concerns about the fancy plan. According to the CPM leader, the cash transfer is a ploy by the government to dismantle the PDS and systematically reduce subsidies. “This is...
More »Cashing in on schemes for poor -Narendar Pani
-The Hindu Any political benefit the Congress hopes to reap in 2014 will come at the cost of reducing the effectiveness of social welfare schemes In getting its ministers to endorse the shift to cash transfers from the AICC office in New Delhi, the Congress has highlighted the political nature of the move. The party clearly expects cash transfers to play the same role for it in 2014 that the National Rural...
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