To encourage cultivation of pulses, the Union government on Thursday increased the minimum support prices by up to 33 per cent, but did not extend the favour to other kharif crops. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, increased the minimum support price of arhar by Rs. 700 a quintal to Rs. 3,000, of moong by Rs. 410 to Rs. 3,170 and of urad by...
In search of a good harvest by Yoginder K Alagh
As the policies on better water management work themselves out and the larger sums of monies the UPA government is spending on them have an effect, technology is the major source of growth in Indian agriculture. Improved seeds matter. While the earlier seed suppliers in agricultural universities and seed corporations reorganise themselves with the support of the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, private and public private partnerships (PPP) are flourishing. Bt...
More »“Future belongs to nations with grains, not guns” by Gargi Parsai
Noted agriculture scientist and Rajya Sabha member M.S. Swaminathan on Wednesday asked the government to formulate a well-devised strategy to maximise the benefit of a good monsoon (that is predicted) to achieve a growth rate of at least five per cent in farm and allied sectors. “Climate-resilient agriculture” “Had we had a scientific monsoon management strategy, we could have minimised the loss last year,” he said inaugurating the National Consultation...
More »Record wheat output likely, Centre upbeat by Gargi Parsai
With expectations of a record wheat production this year (2009-10), the Union government is upbeat about providing food grains to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families on a sustained basis under the proposed National Food Security Bill. “Despite the drought caused by (-) 23 per cent rainfall during the kharif season this year, farmers have maintained a production of 170.29 million tonnes of rice and wheat… which calls for satisfaction. With...
More »Parental guidance by Abhijit Banerjee
A couple of years ago a colleague came into my office with what he thought was a definite typographic error: “It says that India won only three medals in the Olympics; that cannot be right — there is a billion people in India.” I had to break it to him that this was actually the most medals India ever won in a single Olympic game. India has an average of...
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